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Sodium tripolyphosphate STPP

Time:2018-04-09 21:52:46   
Detailed introduction:
Detailed introduction:
Chemical formula: Na5P3O10
Molecular weight: 367.86
Executive Standard: GB9983-88
Properties: White, shiny and granular powder with a melting point of 622°C. Soluble in water. It has significant chelating ability to calcium, magnesium and other metal ions. It can soften hard water, make the suspension into a solution, weak alkaline, no corrosion. Sex.

Technical indicators:

No.  Index name  Industrialgrade Giftedclass
 1 Maincontent(calculatedasNa5P3O10)%≥  94.0  94.0
P2O5                                                     %≥
 57.0  57.0
 3 Water insoluble matter                       %≤  0.1  0.05
Iron (Fe)                                               %≤
 0.015  0.01
 5 pH (1% water soluble)   9.2-10.0  9.5-10.0
Fluoride (in F)                                      %≤
 -  0.003
Arsenic (calculated as As)                   %≤
 -  0.0003
 8 Heavy metal (Pb                                 %≤  -  0.001
 9 Chloride (measured as Cl)                  %≤  -  0.025

Uses: It is used as the main agent for synthetic detergents, soap synergists, softeners, tanning agents for leather, dyeing auxiliaries, effective powders for paint, aged soil, magnesia, calcium carbonate drilling mud and other suspensions. Oil-based preservatives for papermaking, organic synthesis catalysts. It is also used as a dispersant and solubilizer in the refining of petroleum products, storage of rubber slush, the metal industry and the pharmaceutical industry. It is also widely used in synthetic rubber, food industry and poultry processing.
Packing: Inner plastic outer packing, net weight 25, 50, 1000kg per bag.
Storage: moisture-proof, waterproof, not open-stacked.

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Hotline:0838-2569019  18081236110  0838-8266178  13881062286
Address:No. 477 Mount Lu North Road, Deyang, hope city, Fortune Center, block A, room 1003.